Monday, October 22, 2007

Look what I found!

After lunch today Vivi and I went to try some shoes on at Nordstrom (at one point we were actually fighting over the same pair of ankle boots) and then... I found these little beauties! I read a book once called The Optimist's Daughter by Eudora Welty. There's a character named Faye, who's arguably the most unlikable character ever written. She's completely self-absorbed, immature, and oblivious. Anyway, she goes out shopping one day while her husband is dying in the hospital and brings home a pair of new shoes which she proudly displays on the mantle. Of course Theron isn't dying in the hospital or anything, but if I had a mantle I might be tempted to put these on it for a while. I know that's sort of shallow but they're purple suede!

1 comment:

cat said...

with those shoes it would almost be worth building a mantel to display them on. they are HOT!!!