Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The "Good Girl Bep"

Since Vivian has been able to climb out of her crib for the last 6 months or so, and since my little sister is going to have a baby (Yeah for Rachel and Blake!) I decided to pass the crib along and Viv has been sleeping on her mattress on the floor. I have been watching Craigslist for a good, cheap, used toddler bed for her and haven't found just the right thing at just the right price (except for one that was all the way down in Puyallup, and Ali pointed out that the cost of hauling it home would make it into a not-so-great deal). So today I was browsing the 'net, and came across this one at Wal-Mart for $49. Plus, I didn't have to refinish it since it isn't used! So Viv and I hopped in the car and came home an hour later with our very own "big-girl bed." Vivi has confused her terms a little though, and that plus her cute little speech impediments coined the title "GOOD girl bep." Unfortunately, she wasn't actually a very good girl going to bed in it tonight. I guess she is still learning how to handle a little freedom and I get to play warden. She looks so darn sweet in it though, especially when she's asleep! Now I just hope she doesn't dream about getting in trouble for getting out of bed over and over. I guess being a "good girl" takes practice, even for the most precious of us. Sweet dreams, little Viv!


The Chambers Family said...

Very cute. She is getting so big!

Annie said...

oh i would have had you pick one up for me if I would have known you were going! They used to only have them available for online purchase, in-store pick-up. Very cute. She'll love it

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear Baker's. I can not beleive how much they have all grown!!!! I sure miss you all and seeing Bob run through my doors to get packages :) Miss Vivian LuLa, is beautiful. Lot's of love...and Merry Christmas
Laura aka LuLu

Crystal said...

Hey Sarah,

I need your address for Christmas cards. Will you email me at lemmefam@gmail.com when you get a spare moment?

cat said...

nice score on the bed, and i can't believe that she could ever be naughty, she always looks like such a little angel!
happy birthday!