Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Happy Birthday Vivian Lula!

As you can see, I'm a couple of weeks late in posting this and I have no excuse to offer. But speaking of how time seems to slip away from me, I can't believe Vivian has been with us for two years now! I love that she is so independent now -- it is really fun to watch her learn and develop. At the same time, I have been looking through all my pictures of her and I miss her tiny self and her sweet baby phase.

Vivian November 29, 2005

Vivian November 29, 2006

Vivian November 29, 2007

As for the birthday party, she wasn't too impressed with the cake. In fact, she went from unimpressed...

to a little nervous...

to discovering that frosting is actually pretty good stuff.

For her birthday she got a baby stroller and new shoes to go on my old cabbage patch kid (we prefer designating it "vintage" to calling it a "hand-me-down"). She actually does have pants too -- they're just not in the picture.

She also got a Cozy Coupe, which is the official name for one of these:
She usually just calls it ""MYYYYYYYY Coupe! MYYYYYYYYY Coupe!" though-- especially if she suspects that someone else might be thinking of taking a spin in it.

At two, she is a comedian, a supervisor, an acrobat, and a do-it-yourself-er. I've always thought of her as a little pink bull-dozer. She knows where she wants to go, and always manages to pull together the resources to get herself there. She is strong-willed, loving, and charming all at the same time. I love you, darling Vivi! Happy Birthday!

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